Notes from my sketch

Below are some of the update notes that I am writing in my sketch to keep on top of what I am doing.

// —- is Java for note

//Warp page was intended for a var but did not use.
//Creation coppied from SpcaeJunk sketh included in the
//demo files
// find out how it works and edit in into somthing I can
// build off of to create a entirely new idea
// create interactivity ready for when Midi/audio come into it
// Monday 9th december 11:00pm
// change all of the mouse functions for contoler/audio
// Midi Functionality is now inserted by no contol
//has been added as of yet
// update: Wednesday 11th december 1:53am
//Managed to get Midi running and tested using the printlf function
//and some snooping around some examples
//I have also placed the midi stuff before the void draw() function
//to allow use of it with in the main body of the sketch
//Updated wednesday 11th december 02:23am
//UPDATE: I have installed minimal controls but an algorythem
//is needed to convert 104-111 into 100-450 in incriments of
//Updated Wed 11th December 2:54am

// below is demo code for the contol change funciton of midi
//hopefully I will have chance to have a look at it properly to
//discover what is wrong with it.
// ctlnum = ctlnum – 4;
// if (ctlnum == 100) {
// }
// else {
// ctlnum = ctlnum % 25 * 100;
// }
// discovered what is wrong with this… I placed this inside of the draw()  which loops



// I have gone about re createing the scale object the old fashiond way by using basic math
// as a result the control numbers now work on my launchpad
// I have gone about creating some interactivity for the control line onto the light colours.
// Update Wednesday 11th December 04:47am

// I have sucsessfully added extreemly basic LPD8 functionality (LPD8 is a controler)!!!!!!!!!!!!
// use the if statement to asigne variables
// Updated wednesday 11th December 14:01pm

//LPD8 functionality has been masterd and full screen atempts have proven sucessfull.
//Fuck yeah update Wednesday 11th December 17:16pm

// No updates for thurdsday 12th December

// Friday 13th December 10:35am — started to implement Pad buttons and am about to start testing noLoop() and loop()